She Can Positively Impact

Anju Sharma - She can positively impact

For my birthday in 2020, I made a wish where I asked to be a service to society. When I made this wish, I thought that I would be fulfilling a service at a global scale, like finding a solution that improves children's education 😁!

Little did I know then that within a few weeks, I suddenly would be selling everything I owned, packing my bags and moving back to my parents' place in Montreal. I think the universe knew that my parents would need me more than before due to various reasons. They have been through a loss of a close family member, stroke, respiratory issues, knee surgery all within 6 months. During this time, my regular routine would consist of calling ambulances, running to the pharmacies, cleaning/cooking, fulfilling professional responsibilities and more in the midst of a pandemic.

At times, I do admit that it was challenging to balance it all. To my surprise, there was a special strength and calmness within me that helped me through it all. Also, I know that I couldn't have done all this without the support of extended family and friends. They would send food to us, call to ask how they can help, take my parents to the hospital, and more! They reminded me how important it is to have a village/community in one's journey to make everything much better. Lastly, I realized that one of the greatest services we can do is for our own parents and family. My 2020 birthday wish of service came true after all!

Now that I start a new birthday year, a renewed sense of service has emerged. My determination is to serve the universe in any way possible, big or small, family or stranger. This poem is a reflection of my birthday wish for 2021.

In the midst of this modern fast paced world,
Where external noises are blazing in a swirl,
A spirit stands with a determined choice,
To listen to her inner divine voice,
So that it can guide her on the right path,
For she knows she has the potential to positively impact.

Thank you very much for all the beautiful wishes, blessings and support you have all showered me. I look forward to seeing that my 2021 birthday wish comes true - stay tuned! 🥰

#birthdaywishes #service #familyandfriends #poetry